Thursday, November 8, 2007

My Bilingual Child

I have told most of you this story already, because it cracked me up, but for those of you I haven't seen this week:

Sunday night on the way to eat at Panera Bread:
Harper Lee: What do they have at Panera?
Me: Sandwiches and salads.
HL: Can I try a sandwich?
Me: No, I am bringing a Lunchable for you because you don't even like the sandwiches at Subway, and Panera is more expensive than Subway. I don't want to waste money on a sandwich that you don't like.
HL: Is Panera Spanish for Subway?
Me: speechless


-C said...

all those years of Dora ... :)

Daphne said...

I think ya'll need to come down to visit since you have your own translator!!!

Maybe it is Dora, I have been surprised at how much spanish Chloe Ann learned from Dora. It has been helpful for her.

Abbey said...

I'm confused. Is panera spanish for subway???