Thursday, December 6, 2007

Random Soileau Girl Cuteness for Grandmothers and Anyone Else Who Cares to Wade Through It

Last Spring we hosted our church's Sunday night meetings in our home.
The kids stayed upstairs while the adults had a Bible study downstairs.
I guess that explains why Olivia told my friend Virginia the other day
that the baby gate was in place upstairs so that the babies would not
bother the humans during church.

When we got the Christmas tree in place in our living room, Olivia
looked at the twinkling lights and said that they were like the stars
the night that Jesus was born. They twinkled because they were so
happy. All together now -- "Awwwww."

Olivia was telling me recently that she had been hit and pushed down on
the playground. (She frequently exaggerates stories of her abuse at the
hands of others at school, so I was not extremely worried.) I asked her
who hit her, she said with a knowing shake of her head, "Jasmine. That
is one evil little girl."

We had two really heartfelt prayers last night. Olivia found an old
sticker from the first of the school year that said "Olivia Walker" on
it. This designated her as a child whose parents walk to pick them up.
We have since changed the girls to riding the bus home for convenience
(They are not too fond of the bus.) When she found the sticker she
prayed, "God, make me Olivia Walker again." Harper Lee prayed that
today would be Friday, so we talked about God not being like a slot
machine that you expect to dispense whatever you want. She sighed, "I
know, but this week feels like a month to me."

And, tonight, Harper Lee lost another tooth. This is the second tooth she actually lost, as in, gone never to be found. I asked her to read her note to the tooth fairy to me since the note will be gone tomorrow morning. :) Please forgive her idiot mother for turning the camera the wrong direction to video her. I couldn't find an easy way to rotate the video.

1 comment:

-C said...

I love your girls and their fun ways of expressing themselves. I could totally imagine Liv's face as she talked about Jasmine.