Monday, October 6, 2008

What to do on a Saturday in Leeds, Alabama

One thing you can do is to walk around the Antiques Mall / Flea Market and find nightmare-inducing junk.

Jeremy, the girls, and I spent a couple of hours there this past Saturday and here are our top finds:

Bronze Medal:
I don't know what's scarier, my sweet youngest daughter's face being replaced with a frightening tortured face, or the diseases that probably lurk in the mask that she is inhaling.

Silver Medal:
I don't really know what to say about this one.  Can you imagine having this hanging on your wall?  I personally thought this little beauty was a close call for the gold medal, but Jeremy fought hard for the gold medalist.  He said it was by far the creepiest.

Gold Medal:



Virginia said...

Yeah, that last one is just plain bizarre. The picture is VERY creepy tho. I don't think I'd like either in my house.

(Although, I am tempted to go get the statue and just leave it on your doorstep on Halloween night. hehehe)

Michelle said...

I honestly, truly want that silver winner on my wall. No joke. It would make me laugh everyday.

I think what's creepier than the babies is that they are standing right next to that pig. WEIRD!!!

Anyway, that sounds like a fun time. Did you purposely bring your camera? :) I love it.

Unknown said...

i think the little children must have looked at the picture and were in the process of having a bizarre sort of panic attack when the wind came and froze them in that position!

Unknown said...

PS Tommy is really Karie