Sunday, April 6, 2008

View from the Backseat

Here's another video I just found, also from Easter morning. It's so sad that I don't even pay attention to what the girls are doing so much of the time. Here they were, being cute and creative and I had no idea what was going on. The music on this video is so loud that you might not be able to make out some of what they are saying (sorry - Jeremy and I probably listen to the radio too loud). If you listen closely, you'll even hear a confession from yours truly! :)


Abbey said...

I love this! You guys have the best kids!! So fun.

Virginia said...

I love it. That is so adorable!

Okay it is driving me crazy because I hear, "Don't tell people mumble mumble- oh you weren't recording, were you?"


Michelle said...

I still don't believe you pitch fits. Whatever Snow White ;) jk
I love your girls! and I love Liv's dancing.